Our Work

Social Housing in Vienna

Social Housing in Vienna: Reflections from Los Angeles Housing Leaders

Anchor Collaboratives Playbook

A digital playbook for advancing equitable economic development and supporting wealth building in communities.

Climate Safe Housing

Strategies to protect multifamily buildings against extreme weather, and build resilient communities & spaces.

Trauma-Informed Housing

A toolkit for advancing equity and economic opportunity in affordable housing.

Whole Child Policy Toolkit

Research and evidence-based toolkit providing strategies and resources to advance whole child policy and systems change.

FOIA Basics for Activists

Valuable new resource for activists offers tools & advice for successful FOIA requests.

Restarting and Reinventing School

The disruption to education caused by the COVID-19 pandemic presents an opportunity to reimagine schooling using safe, equitable, and student-centered approaches. The Learning Policy Institute created this framework providing research, state and local examples, and policy recommendations for 10 key areas of education.

Keep Safe Manual

In the aftermath of Hurricane Maria, Enterprise Community Partners created a resource for resilient housing design in island communities.  The Report Kitchen platform makes this 500+ page resource easy to navigate and engaging to use.

Enterprise Green Communities

The latest edition of the Enterprise Green Communities Criteria, a framework for certifying sustainable affordable housing developments, breaks free of the old-fashioned PDF format with an interactive, responsive, engaging digital publication.

ALEC Attacks

The Center for Constitutional Rights released this report exposing the tactics of a secretive corporate lobbying group.

Focus on Flint

Report Kitchen partnered with the Charles Stewart Mott Fountation to build a digital version of Focus On Flint, a print publication containing dozens of charts and infographics covering eight issues affecting the Flint community. The digital version of Focus on Flint is fully responsive, accessible, and optimized for sharing on social media, expanding the conversation to as many Flint residents as possible.

Americans Agree: Public Attitudes Towards Gifted Education

This report presents and discusses the findings of a broad survey of the American public regarding attitudes towards gifted education.

Elements of Success: Best Practices Review

This foundation-funded research project examined some best practices of a housing authority partnership in the Pacific Northwest.

Video interviews were a key component of the project, and a PDF with external video links would have been awkward and confusing. With Report Kitchen, the videos form a seamless part of the reader experience, and the overall report is more engaging too.